a rather favorable 5th round draw for the Mancho clubs

We now know the opponents of the five Mancho clubs qualified for the 5th round of the French Football Cup. The draw took place this Wednesday, September 28, and is rather favorable to the clubs of the department.

Five Mancho clubs in the running

Our own little thumb, the US Côtes des Isles (R3) will move to the Jeunesse fertoise Bagnoles (R2)in the Orne.

Inverted balance of power, with the US Ducey Isigny (R2) who will go to the field of AS Courteille d’Alençon (R3).

The draw was less favorable for Saint-Pair-sur-Mer, with an opponent two divisions above. US Saint-Pairaise (R2) will receive AF Virois (N3).

On the other hand, the draw gives a nice advantage on paper to Granville. US Granville (N2) will move to L’Olympique Pavillais (R2)three divisions apart.

But it is the Avranches club which is the clearest favourite: US Avranches (N1) will play on the lawn of JS Audrieu (D1) that is six divisions apart.

All games will take place on October 9.

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