The deputies of France Insoumise do not want to play football with their colleagues from the RN

There will be neither socialist deputies nor rebellious deputies at the National Assembly team’s football matchscheduled for Wednesday, for the benefit of the e-Enfance association, whose goal is to ensure the protection of children on the Internet.
LFI elected officials announced on Tuesday that, like their PS allies, they would not participate, due to the unprecedented presence in the team of deputies of the National Rally.

RN tackles, no passes

According to France Insoumise, the far-right party “wanted to make this match, initially dedicated to the service of a good cause, an object of political recovery aimed at affirming its alleged normalization“.

LFI therefore joins its PS ally who will not participate in the match either.
Boris Vallaud, the boss of the socialist group in the Assembly assures that he “prefers to say that the field of the confrontation, it must be the hemicycle, rather than being in the pretense, to pass the hand behind the back, and to laugh together in the locker room“.

The leader of Renaissance advises the deputies of the majority to participatewhich the elected Renaissance of Yvelines, Karl Olive, does not understand, who speaks of a “diktat” from LFI.

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Sébastien Jumel, elected PCF in Seine-Maritime, adds:

If friends want to go play football, they didn’t ask us for permission. I even wonder if the thousands of amateurs who play on the weekend are wondering what the player opposite voted.

The RN regrets the politicization of this match

At the National Rally, the deputy of Pas-de-Calais, Emmanuel Blairy, denounces the “bigotry, marker of extremism“, and recalls that the elected officials of the RN “will be on a football field and respect the rules. LFI decides to boycott the match, in the end they do not respect the rules, a bit like here in the hemicycle“.

The elected LRs will go without hesitation. An elected tackle already without having put on his crampons: “it’s such a mess with the Greens and LFI that they light up fires“.

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