COVID-19 report in Quebec September 27, 2022

Quebec reports nine new deaths linked to COVID-19, all of which have occurred for more than 24 hours, as well as a stable number of hospitalizations linked to the disease.

The nine deaths reported on Tuesday all occurred more than 24 hours ago — between two and seven days, the health ministry says. The death toll in Quebec now stands at 16,754 since the start of the pandemic.

There were 1,566 hospitalizations, including 497 due to COVID-19, a decrease of one from the previous day.

There were 32 patients in intensive care, including 10 due to COVID-19, a decrease of three from the previous day.

The ministry reported 943 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, although the number of cases listed is not representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles.

There were 3,739 healthcare workers absent for reasons related to COVID-19.

A total of 204 rapid tests were self-reported for Monday, of which 171 were positive. The total stands at 291,385 self-reported rapid tests so far, including 244,272 positives.

In terms of vaccination, 14,707 doses administered have been added, for a total of 21,193,552 doses administered in Quebec to date.

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