Meghan Markle already back in England? A date announced… and it’s coming soon!

Meghan Markle back in the UK! While the American actress has just returned to California after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, a long week of mourning and a moving funeral, the Duchess of Sussex’s next trip to London has already been confirmed this Monday by the organizers of the prestigious evening of the GQ Awards, who announced that she would receive a prize there.

While the ceremony has been postponed for this 2022 edition and will be held in November, it has been announced that the young woman would be honored there for her charitable actions, she who started a series of podcasts on the best ways to preserve her mental health. And this trophy, Meghan Markle will recover it in her own hands!

To ensure his presence at the ceremony, it’s true that the organizers pulled out all the stops and even agreed to change the date from September to November. Indeed, the couple from Sussex had already planned a tour of Europe at the start of the school year and would not have had time to get there, they who were notably expected in Düsseldorf and Manchester for several conferences.

Eventually stayed longer due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the couple left as quickly as possible to California, where their two children had remained (Archie, 3 years old, and Lilibet, 15 months) and where they were able to mourn in complete discretion. If the presence of Meghan Markle has been formalized, that of her husband has not been mentioned … but there is no doubt that prince Harry will accompany himso as not to leave her alone on British soil.

I have to say that the public across the Channel is not tender with Meghan Markle : whistled on her return during the Jubilee, she had known a great moment of loneliness when a woman had refused to shake her hand in front of Windsor… Clinging to her husband’s hand at each of their public appearances, she had however played her role perfectly during the funeral, with her perfect bows, her tears gently wiped away and even a pretty smile to her niece Charlotte…

Will this new return to London finally be the opportunity for the couple to present their two toddlers to the rest of the family? For the moment, nothing has been announced but we hope so!

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