Dozens of police demonstrate in Lille and Bordeaux against the reform of the judicial police

The police are against a reform which aims to put all the police services at the departmental level under the authority of the same Director of the national police.

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Several dozen police demonstrated Monday, September 26 in several cities to protest against the reform of the judicial police, wanted by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. The change aims to put all the police services at departmental level under the authority of a single Director of the National Police (DDPN), answerable to the prefect.

In Lille (North), around sixty police demonstrated with their backs turned, bound by their duty of reserve, in front of the building of the judicial police of the city, reports France 3 Hauts-de-France. “They are worried about their core business, that is to say a specific vocation for important criminal investigations which, in the end, would be diluted in public security investigations”explained Robert Bourdelle, of the Synergy Officers union, present on the scene.

A few dozen police officers also gathered on Monday in Bordeaux (Gironde), standing opposite a wall, hands on their heads. On September 21, a hundred PJ officers from Toulon (Var) had demonstrated in their city to denounce the risk of “death of their institution”.

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