“Woodworking” employment day on Wednesday 23 November 2021

While France Bleu Provence is mobilizing for the forest on Wednesday, it is the occasion of an employment day devoted to the wood trades. Meeting with carpenters, companies that work with this noble material and training and employment professionals.

A special woodworking job day is an opportunity to meet companies that work with this noble material and who tell about their activity. Who confide that they have difficulty recruiting. Also testimonials from carpenters, former interns at Afpa, happy with their outdoor life.
The employment partners who participate in this wood economy also provide avenues for finding work and training in these rapidly evolving trades: building federation, Constructys, the construction skills operator, Pôle Emploi and the Afpa in Gap which offers training as a wood carpenter.

6:27 am – Bonnefont, a company specializing in timber construction

Meeting with Gisèle Gielly, manager of the Bonnefont de Chorges company, which employs 18 people and seeks to recruit specialized carpenters.

6:46 a.m. – Successful conversion of Nicolas into a carpenter T

Testimony of Nicolas Canet, former soldier in the Air Force, who tells about his reconversion with Afpa and his pleasure because he “loves the smell of wood”.

7:28 a.m. – FFB05 – recruitment difficulties hamper the development of companies

Mikael Milbled from the French Building Federation (FFB05) of Hautes-Alpes talks about the difficulties in recruiting the wood industry in the region.

8:52 am -Thierry Rivat in charge of RT2C who talks about his activity and his recruitment difficulties.

9:27 am – Magali Cassado, regional expert at Pôle Emploi in the construction industry, discusses the employment opportunities in the sector.

10:27 am – Cédric Mathieu director of Afpa de Gap presents the wood division of the “Afpa Village” as well as the training offered there.

4:20 p.m. – Testimony of Nicolas Canet, former soldier in the Air Force. He tells about his retraining and his pleasure to be a carpenter after an Afpa training. He “loves the smell of wood”. He is happy in his new job.

4:27 p.m. – Focus on the profession of carpenter with Yoan Navarian, a trainer at Afpa in Gap. It discusses the qualities required to become a carpenter and the conditions for learning the trade.

5:27 p.m. -Anabel Cassata, training advisor at Constructys, talks about the missions of its skills operator (OPCO), which supports the needs of companies in the building sector and timber construction.

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