Make way for readers | Leaders Debate

The opinions of our readers are divided as to the performance of the party leaders, but this debate presented Thursday evening on Radio-Canada clearly pleased. Here is an overview of the emails received following our call to all on the leaders’ debate.

Posted yesterday at 1:00 p.m.

The youth

“In my opinion, the youth wins. Looks like François Legault has lost the oratory game. »

Gerard Desjardins

And the programs?

I would like the chiefs to present their program more than to see them accusing each other of all sorts of baseless things. From what I have seen, read and heard, the Prime Minister can seriously only be Mr. Legault.

Michel Langevin

The animator who makes the difference

I think Patrice Roy made all the difference. He was composed, disciplined and he didn’t let himself be intimidated by the leaders in front of him. This debate was more respectful. Paul St-Pierre Plamondon will win a lot of votes because he is calm, composed and very attentive to what the other chefs are saying. All in all, I believe that on October 3, we are going to have some surprises! Mr. Legault and his party will be elected, but the PQ is confusing the cards because of Mr. Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

Lisa Desjardins

More representative

Very good debate, format allowing the five leaders to inform us of their commitments and to respond to adverse attacks. Congratulations to Patrice Roy for his animation and his mastery of the belligerents. Mr. Legault was better than in the first debate. He will win this election, but I hope he does not have too much of a majority and that the four other parties also win the seats required to be in the National Assembly, better represent their positions and promote our democracy. Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon, who in my opinion was the best in this debate, should continue his involvement in politics and at least win his riding to sit in Quebec. He deserves it. As for the other three leaders, they will not make any gains as a result of this exercise. We will no doubt see results that will demonstrate the need for a reform that would make each party’s vote more representative.

Claude Desmarais

A difficult context

Mr. Legault was widely criticized for his non-verbal and his expressions of frustration during the debates. It must be understood that he was the target, often the only one, of the other chiefs. He was still able to defend his achievements in an extremely difficult context which deprived him of practically half of the available time of his mandate, the pandemic having imposed itself as the main issue since 2020.

Paul-Andre Milette

An undeniable idealism

Lots of criticism and idealistic promises from those who have never been in charge. The rain of dollars falling on us could become toxic in reality. The eloquence of young people is undeniable, but so is their idealism…

Pierre Chatelain

Proportional elections?

One thing jumps out at me is that although my choice has already been made for a long time, I would like the visions of the PQ and QS to be represented more than they will be, I fear, after the elections of October 3. Proportional elections would be ideal, but this formula of the percentage of votes could be reviewed so that it does not become an Italian government.

Francois Caron

In respect

What I remember the most is respect for everyone’s rules. These rules were clear, neat and precise, but our chefs and chef were very disciplined. They had to debate issues that had already been established, which gave us a good debate. Mr. Legault, who was attacked from all sides, came out of it better than during the last debate. Messrs. Nadeau-Dubois and St-Pierre Plamondon are, as far as I’m concerned, the ones who are doing the most brilliantly.

Celine Boissonneault

A better vehicle for the boss

My attachment to the French language prevents me from wanting to vote for Mme England. However, I greatly appreciated his performance yesterday. Even if I think that the defense of women’s rights goes immediately through things other than the number of places in CPE and the rejection of 4-year-old kindergartens, Mme Anglade announces that she is sensitive to the fate of women, which is very good. It is unfortunate that she turned around so quickly, at the start of the campaign, on the question of the defense of French and faced with her desire to modernize an old party which does not seem to me to be the best vehicle for the ideas of this brilliant woman. She will have time to think about it before the next election.

Colette Boucher

Finally a good discussion

The big winner of this last debate is undoubtedly Patrice Roy! He was able, subtly, but firmly, to hold the reins of the most dashing and ensure the right to speak of the wisest.

For my part, I was able, for the first time, to listen to the debate until the end, without raising my blood pressure.

The big loser: François Legault, the grumpy, the sulky, the negative, unable to respond frankly and openly to the objections of others, thus giving the appearance of not telling the whole truth on certain subjects and of despising the opinion of his peers on other important issues.

Special mention to Dominique Anglade who was able to assert himself well and, surely to the great joy of some, bring François Legault out of his hinges, whom she subtly led to show his paternalistic and “Duplessist” side.

In conclusion, I think that, for once, this debate could have served some purpose. Me, I was undecided until then, today I know for whom I will vote.

Diana Villa

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