Jeremstar soon on trial over undeclared labor case: trial date revealed

Jeremstar has not finished with justice. While he was recently cleared in the JeremstarGate affair, a sex scandal that caused him great harm, the famous blogger will soon stand for a new trial. Indeed, he will have to answer questions from the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office. March 28, 2022 about the “hidden work” of which he is accused AFP revealed on Tuesday, November 23, 2021.

It was his former collaborator Bruno Etenna who lodged a complaint against Jeremstar, in July 2020, after five years of working alongside him. From 2012 to 2017, Bruno would have conducted 200 interviews without ever having been neither “declared” nor “paid”,with the exception of a few meager expenses. “In his complaint, he also accused the Youtubeur specializing in reality TV moral harassment and violence.

However, the Paris prosecutor’s office did not accept these last two offenses and Jeremstar will therefore only be tried for “concealment of salaried employment by employing employees without signing an employment contract, or submitting a pay slip, or making a declaration prior to hiring“.”Bruno Etenna worked for years for Jeremstar without being paid and being treated like less than nothing“, lamented the plaintiff’s lawyer, Me Jérémy Kalfon.

For his part, Jeremstar seems to be quite serene about what will happen next. “I have in the past been repeatedly accused of anything and everything. I am no longer surprised by anything. In this era of cancel culture, I intend to fight once again to demonstrate that these accusations are unfounded.“Said Jeremstar as reported by AFP. He also assures that his former friend”was very happy to participate in some of my projects on a friendly basis“. And for his lawyer to add:”Mr. Etenna has been harassing my client for over a year by increasing the number of formal notices and complaints on various and varied bases (…) Only the offense of concealed work was retained by the investigating magistrate. It is to say the thinness of the documents in charge of the file, reacted to our colleagues Me Margaux Nègre-Carillon.

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