Salary increase, bonus, career advancement … What does the agreement between the government and the unions on midwives contain?

Ultimately, the executive argues “a commitment of 100 million euros in 2022”.

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The negotiation is finally coming to an end. The government announced Monday, November 22 the signing of a memorandum of understanding with a majority of hospital unions on midwives. After “a long process of consultation”, three ministers (Health, Civil Service, Families) welcomed in a press release the “important advances” of this document initialed by Force Ouvrière, CFDT and Unsa, as well as the French Hospital Federation (FHF) on the employers’ side.

The memorandum of understanding notably includes a “medical practice premium” of 240 euros net per month from February, then a salary increase of 78 euros net on average from March for midwives in public hospitals, whether permanent or contractual.

By adding these measures to the 183 euros of the “Ségur de la santé” paid since the end of 2020, the government is highlighting a “net revaluation of 500 euros per month”. An amount significantly increased compared to the 360 ​​euros per month promised in mid-September by Olivier Véran.

An extension to which are added other concessions on career advancement at the hospital (promotion rate doubled until 2024), midwives of local authorities (who will also be entitled to 78 euros from March), those of the private sector (the Social Security will finance revaluations up to the level of the public) and liberal (an agreement with the Health Insurance is aimed “before the end of the year”).

Ultimately, the executive argues “a commitment of 100 million euros in 2022” and also agrees to extend the studies of future midwives, from 5 to 6 years from the 2022 class.

The slate has therefore become heavier in two months. In the meantime, the profession mobilized on the occasion of a day of demonstrations in early October and two strike weekends, supported by most organizations.

The protocol, however, cuts the union’s cordon in two just before a new “black weekend” scheduled from November 26 to 29, at the call of the ONSSF and with the support of the CGT which filed a notice to cover the movement.

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