Prince Harry: Prince George, a threat to him? He fears the son of Kate and William!

Definitely, every movement of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle is scrutinized. The slightest misstep is the subject of numerous comments on social networks, damaging the reputation of the Sussex couple, already shaken by their departure for the United States and the sensational revelations they made during their interview. with Oprah Winfrey. The publication of Extracts of Brokers: the Hidden Power Behind the Crowna book by Valentine Low, journalist and royal expert, will not help his affairs, especially those of Prince Harry.

The Duke of Sussex would have expressed his fears concerning … Prince George, his 9-year-old nephew according to the DailyMail. Harry would”a fix“on the fact that he would be definitively relegated to the background once the majority was reached for the future King of England. A situation that he would live badly, or even worse: it would make him “fear.”

That’s not the only thing we learn about the parents of Archie, 3, and his little sister Lilibet, 1, who may never have existed. If everything was going well at the start of their relationship, Meghan Markle would have quickly wished that this romance, promised to a great future, be formalized. No doubt tired of having to hide from the world with the man she loves, the former star of the series Suits would have raised the subject with prince Harry, visibly in no hurry to move up a gear with the American at the time.

Determined to make Harry the man of her life, Meghan Markle would not have gone there four ways. The daughter of Doria Ragland and Thomas Markle would therefore have given an ultimatum to his companion: it is the formalization or the separation. Fearing losing her, Prince Harry therefore complied and ended up marrying his sweetheart on May 19, 2018. A situation that is reminiscent of the one his brother went through with Kate Middleton in 2007.

At the time, Prince William was slow to ask the beautiful English girl in marriage, despite their serious and long relationship of several years. Nicknamed “Waity Katie”, Kate Middleton hardens the tone and puts William up against the wall: they get married or she leaves him. A brief separation follows, during which Kate Middleton will do everything to attract the attention of her prince and make him regret what he has lost. Mission accomplished…

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