Climate Change | No more money to the cities, says Legault

(Quebec) The Storm Fiona “Hits hard” in eastern Quebec but it turns out to be “less worse” than expected, argues François Legault, who promises to help the victims financially for the damage that is not covered by insurance. “We can think that there is a link with climate change”, he adds while refusing to commit to granting additional sums to cities to adapt to it.

Posted at 1:39 p.m.

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard
The Press

Saturday noon, as Prime Minister, François Legault visited the premises of the Government Operations Center (COG) to take stock of the storm Fiona.

After suspending his campaign Friday night due to Fiona, he will put on his hat as leader of the Coalition avenir Québec on Saturday afternoon and resume his electoral tour. He will meet the mayor of Quebec, Bruno Marchand.

About 7,500 Hydro-Québec customers are without power in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine and Gaspésie. The Lower North Shore will be hit in the evening, until tomorrow morning. Strong winds and large waves cause damage. About thirty people, including disaster victims, are in one of the accommodation centers set up on the Islands. No serious injuries or loss of life were reported.

“We thought the trajectory was heading towards the Islands. It went as far as the Islands. It’s not as bad as we thought (Friday night), but it still hit hard. We must not minimize the situation, ”said Mr. Legault at a press conference, accompanied by the outgoing Minister of Public Security, Geneviève Guilbault, and officials from the ministry. Mme Guilbault is expected to travel to the Magdalen Islands on Sunday.

As part of his campaign, François Legault has planned to stop in the archipelago on Monday, a long-planned stop and still on schedule. “We will be able to see the situation at the same time,” said Mr. Legault.

“It’s too early to make a full assessment of the damage because it’s still in place now. I want to reassure Quebeckers who live there: everything that is not insurable by regular insurance, we will try to have a program to make up the difference. I don’t want people to worry about material possessions. »

A link to climate change

“I think we see it all over the world, yes, we can think that there is a link with climate change, replied François Legault to journalists. That’s why we have a plan for a green economy “which provides funds of seven billion by 2027.

Last week, François Legault reopened the door he had quickly closed earlier in the countryside at the request of the big cities to conclude a “green pact” in order to meet their needs estimated at 2 billion per year to adapt to the climatic changes.

However, he explained on Saturday that a CAQ government would not add additional sums to the seven billion in five years provided for in his plan. “We think the funds are sufficient,” he said. According to him, the cities would benefit from a share of the seven billion that are provided for in the plan in the areas of transport and buildings, for example. According to him, the state does not have the means to meet the demand from cities, 10 billion in five years.

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