The duty asked five candidates who made the leap into the political arena for the first time what made them interested in public affairs. In turn, with one candidate per party, they tell us about their doubts and their hopes. Today, liberal Christina Eyangos.
Until very recently, politics had never appeared to me as a possible path, at least for me. This is proof that you should never say never!
Already twelve years have passed since my family and I put our luggage in Quebec, more precisely in Montreal, one summer evening. Although French-speaking, I was struck on my arrival by the Quebecois accent, which made me doubt my own language. A transition of doubts and worries followed. For me, who is from Cameroon and whose mother tongue is French, it was confusing. How many times have I confused myself in apologizing to the customs officers whom I asked to repeat certain snippets of the questions they asked me? My family and I quickly understood that our first challenge would be to understand our new compatriots… and to make ourselves understood by them.
In addition to these unforeseen language challenges, my integration process in Quebec was marked by several moments of confusion and questioning. I remember as if it were yesterday the question I was asked during my first semester at CEGEP, less than six months after my arrival in Canada: “Do you identify as Quebecer or as Canadian? Without understanding anything yet, I was thus introduced to the very political climate of identity that reigns in Quebec.
The integration of my parents was much more difficult, especially for my mother. After having worked for twenty years in the judiciary, she unfortunately had to reorient her career, because her diplomas and her 20 years of experience are not recognized in Quebec. This is how she worked here as a customer service clerk and as a beneficiary attendant. Having herself taken care of her mother before her death, she fully understands the importance of her current work and she takes care of the seniors of the CHSLD where she has worked with all her heart for a decade now.
Ambitions for Quebec
My integration process is filled with hardships, as are those of immigrants who choose Quebec as a land of welcome. On the other hand, very quickly, I immersed myself in Quebec culture by going to meet it in the four corners of the Belle Province. This experience ignited a flame in me, that of mutual aid. It was from that moment that I multiplied my social involvement in order to improve the quality of life of my fellow citizens.
It was also during this period that the young Pakistani leader Malala Yousafzai, by the courage and dynamism she showed, greatly inspired my career. Above all, it made me realize that by getting involved in politics with conviction, I could help improve things in my community. Shortly after, I got closer, through my civic involvement, to the institutional and the political. Little by little, I began to take an interest in the various leaders in the National Assembly and in the values of their respective parties.
Dominique Anglade’s journey and eloquence particularly touched me. From the moment I met her in person and had the opportunity to chat with her for the first time, I knew I wanted to work with her. She is a friendly, intelligent woman with a great sense of humor.
I cannot hide from you that I have many ambitions for the riding in which I am running and where I live, Camille-Laurin, but also for Quebec. I want to help restore a more peaceful social climate, improve citizens’ perception of elected officials and put their concerns back at the heart of decision-making.
Pay it forward
I am a product of immigration, of family reunification. I was welcomed by community organizations and surrounded by Quebec generosity. I speak French, I went to CEGEP and university in Quebec. Here I was blessed with great opportunities and great privileges. There is a saying: “To whom much is given, much is required. On this point, I received a lot and I am ready to work hard to give back to the people of Camille-Laurin.
I chose to work as a community worker to give back to others. The love of Quebec, my integration and the intersectionality of my identity give me an enormous privilege to recognize myself in every Quebecer. No doubt many have found themselves in me as well. My professional and personal experiences have led me to better understand the challenges that a large part of the population faces.
Transparently, I know the school dropout, the vulnerability and the reality of being a single mother who is looking for housing in Montreal, because I have experienced it myself. After becoming a mother, I went back to school and obtained my bachelor’s degree in biology with distinction of excellence for my social involvement. I believe that the role of the state is to ensure equality and fairness of opportunity for the population. Today, I am ultimately presenting myself to serve that Quebec, but above all my community of Camille-Laurin.
I am not an anecdote, but a person with a story who hopes to contribute to building the Quebec of today and tomorrow. I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that the citizens of Camille-Laurin vote for the person who has their well-being the most at heart. The one by whom their daily challenges will really be considered priorities. The one who can provide real solutions to their real concerns. The one who wants and who can improve their quality of life.
I believe in the full potential of Quebec and that of my riding. I believe that we must unite around what brings us together and not dwell on what divides us. Finally, even if I know that services to the population do not pass only through politics, I believe that politics remains an excellent way to have an impact on our world, through more inclusive laws that will have a real impact on our everyday life.