The state of French in Quebec

I was amazed at the number of reactions aroused by the words of Air Canada CEO Michael Rousseau.

Not that I deny the arrogance of his words, but because the French language has not stirred up pen and paper for a long time. We observe the slow agony of the French fact in Quebec with indifference, as we would observe the inevitable aging of our parents.

Doesn’t Mr. Rousseau’s Francophobia distract us from deeper problems? If there is every reason to be indignant at such contempt, is it not curious that other phenomena, which contribute more decisively to the anglicization of Quebec, are not the object of no chronicle, no debate, no outrage?

For example, this week, The duty taught us that “the number of English-speaking foreign students is increasing in Quebec”, while “between January 2020 and September 2021, Ottawa has […] refused 35,642 candidates from the main French-speaking countries of the Maghreb and West Africa who wanted to come to Quebec ”. According to the demographic projections of researcher Charles Gaudreault, who is based on migratory trends to auscultate the question of the French fact in America, Francophones will be in the minority in Quebec in 2042. Isn’t it urgent that we have a real debate on society – a peaceful and rational discussion – around immigration to Quebec, the main factor in the anglicization of the province? Before the polemicists seize it …

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