Love is in the meadow: A badly injured contender, impressive photo and compulsory immobilization

In this ordeal, she can count on the support of her subscribers, many of whom have sent her a message. “Oh shit good luck“, wrote Pierre and Frédérique of season 7 (2012). “Good recovery”, “Ouch, good luck to you”, “Speedy recovery Stéphanie”, “Ouch… Courage and patience…“, we were able to read in particular.

Stéphanie will also be able to count on her husband to support her. Because yes, the mother and the farmer united on April 16, 2022. They had also unveiled photos of this beautiful day on Instagram. Internet users were thus able to discover the lovebirds at the town hall laughing and then kissing. For the occasion, the cow and goat breeder opted for a midnight blue three-piece suit. Her dear and tender wore a mid-length white dress with black lace above the neckline, as well as a kind of white vest. The public was then able to discover their alliances and a snapshot with the children.

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