the informed of the morning of September 23

Every day, those informed in the morning discuss the news.

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Around Renaud Dély and Lorrain Sénéchal to comment on the day’s news: Sophie de Ravinel, senior reporter for the political department of the Figaro, and Bruno Dive, editorial writer at South West.

Fratelli d’Italia, model for the RN?

Sunday, decisive legislative elections in Italy after the fall of the quasi-national union government of Mario Fraghi. Giorgia Meloni, head of the far-right/right-wing coalition alongside Matteo Salvini’s League and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, is leading in the polls. Will the far right take power in the third economic power of the European Union? If so, what would this change for Europe? And above all, is this a model, an example to follow for Marine le Pen and the RN if the far right wants to win in France in 2027?

LFI: after the Quatennens affair, is a new period beginning?

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s tweets a few days ago, just after Quatennens’ press release in which he acknowledged several acts of violence against his wife, aroused incomprehension and unease even in the ranks of La France insoumise. Are we gradually entering the post-Mélenchon era? Are the rebellious beginning to emancipate themselves from their mentor?

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