60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty | A Franco-German cuvée to celebrate the event

(Blienschwiller) Two French and German winegrowers harvested together on Thursday morning to create a special Franco-German cuvée on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty.

Posted yesterday at 10:12 a.m.

Pierre-Yves Meyer, independent winemaker in Blienschwiller (Bas-Rhin), and Fabian Zähringer, German winemaker in Heitersheim, will produce a blend of the two wines born from grapes harvested on a plot of each.

“Twenty ares will be harvested on both sides of the Rhine”, explained to AFP Pierre-Yves Meyer, who, for his part, harvests Riesling for this special cuvée.

The plot harvested on Thursday morning is organically farmed and worked on horseback.

The two estates, approximately 70 kilometers apart, had already teamed up in 2007 for a first Franco-German cuvée.

Requested by the German Embassy in Paris, the two winegrowers plan to fill 2,500 bottles of this special cuvée, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty, signed on January 22, 1963 by the German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and the General de Gaulle.

To celebrate this treaty sealing the reconciliation of the two countries after the Second World War, French and German deputies must meet on January 22 in Versailles, as they had already done in 2003.

In 2013, for the 50th anniversary of the treaty, the Bundestag and the National Assembly met in the Reichstag, which houses the German Parliament, in Berlin.

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