large-area products contain too much air or are over-wrapped


Article written by

S.Guillaumin, J.-C.Batteria, E.Bailly Z.Berkous, P.Lagaune, H.Horoks – France 2

France Televisions

The consumer association CLCV (consumption, housing, living environment) reveals, Thursday, September 22, the over-packaging of supermarket products and denounces this practice.

A survey was conducted on the packaging of 250 food products sold in supermarkets. The packets are not full, or only half full. “For this bag of almonds, 56% empty”, describes Lisa Faulet, in charge of food for the CLCV association (consumption, housing, living environment). In addition to finding this practice dishonest, some consumers are concerned about the abuse of packaging it entails. “It’s a waste of plastic, an abuse of cardboard, glue, everything”assures a woman.

Unnecessary over-packaging is also denounced, such as plastic films around tea boxes or boxes around yogurts. The legislation is still unclear concerning the packaging of products and the CLCV association is asking food groups to be more responsible. Finally, it advises consumers to favor bulk and reusable packaging.

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