“I weigh my words all the time”, assures Jean-Luc Mélenchon after his tweet of support for the rebellious deputy

Sunday, when Adrien Quatennens had just recognized domestic violence, Jean-Luc Mélenchon greeted her “dignity” and his “courage”.

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He persists and signs. “I weigh my words all the time”said the leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in a very short video broadcast by the show “Daily“, Thursday, September 22. He was questioned about his controversial tweets, supporting Adrien Quatennens who had just confessed to domestic violence.

“Do you regret the tweets you posted?”, asks a journalist from the show, in front of the National Assembly, while the politician passes in front of him to go to the parliamentary days of his party. Jean-Luc Mélenchon laughs then suddenly turns around: “Sir, I weigh my words all the time, you’re the one who regrets what you’re saying to me”he says, patting the cheek of the journalist, who operates a movement of recoil.

Sunday, when the rising figure of LFI, Adrien Quatennens, had just published a letter in which he admitted in particular to having slapped his wife, Jean-Luc Mélenchon first denounced in a tweet “police malice, media voyeurism, social networks”. On the other hand, he welcomed the “dignity” and the “courage” of the deputy from the North, repeating to him his “trust” and his “affection”. A few hours later, the former presidential candidate tried to correct the situation: “A slap is unacceptable in any case. Adrien assumes it. It’s good”.

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