William inconsolable: the prince very affected by the death of Elizabeth, unpublished secrets

Losing a grandparent is always difficult. But that one of them is one of the most famous people in the world certainly makes the mourning even more complicated. That’s exactly what Princes Harry and William are going through right now. Less than a week after the Queen’s state funeral, life is back to normal. Meghan and Harry have returned to the United States and are reunited with their children, Archie, 3, and Lilibet, 1. Kate Middleton and Prince William continue to honor their royal obligations despite the complicated period they are going through.

But no big trip for the Prince and Princess of Wales. Kate and William traveled to Windsor this Thursday September 22 to meet the many volunteers and operational staff without whom the farewell to the Queen would not have been possible. The parents of George, 9, Charlotte, 7, and Louis, 4, warmly thanked them for their discretion, involvement and efficiency during the Sovereign’s funeral.

Prince William and Kate Middleton certainly looked good but struggled to hide the pain they still feel today. The Duke of Cambridge has also declared himself that he was often overtaken by his memories and by “episodes of sadness“that he couldn’t control as reported by the DailyMail. Showing appreciation to the people who made those painful times a little easier was therefore paramount to the future King of England.

Despite the sadness, Prince William and Kate Middleton are still moving forward. They haven’t lost any of their smiles, their good humor and their legendary kindness. The couple shook hands, took the time to sit down and listen to what everyone had to say between two bursts of complicit and comforting laughter. One more proof, if one were needed, that Kate Middleton and Prince William know how to honor the Crown in all circumstances.

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