“Jimmy and his sisters” is the third show for young audiences from the Compagnie de Louise. Three sisters, Regina, Stella and Princess live in a house in the middle of the forest. They flourish in their fraternal complicity. One day, their father forbids them to go to school.
An initiatory tale
What if, to protect them, we prevented women from going out unaccompanied? What if we separated the men from the women? What if, in a family with three daughters, to go out shopping, one of the daughters, the youngest Princess, disguised herself as a boy, became a boy to the others and became Jimmy Fisher? What if Princess took a liking to being Jimmy Fisher and the freedom that is offered to him? How would the other two sisters, Regina and Stella, find their place?
Boys become wolves
It is said that outside, the wolves are multiplying, that they are beginning to invade the city. Sometimes you can hear their screams and confused noises in the distance. Rumor has it that boys and men are becoming these wolves. Suspense and humor will be at the rendezvous for this show which questions us about the place of little girls in shows for young audiences. The Ludo-Médiathèque offers several actions around the theme of equality between girls and boys. At the Espace Treulon in Bruges, Friday November 26 at 8:00 p.m. Directed by: Odile Grosset-Grange. With Blanche Leleu, Camille Voitellier and Emmanuelle Wion.