nearly 10,000 volunteers asked to be mobilized in 24 hours, says the Russian army

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6:18 p.m. : The call concerns privates and sergeants up to 35 years old, junior officers up to 50 years old and senior officers up to 55 years old. The other criteria will be availability and combat experience.

6:13 p.m. : The Russian Ministry of Defense has delivered some additional details on the mobilization of 300,000 reservists, report the Russian agencies. This particularly concerns reservists with skills in armour, infantry and artillery, but also drivers and mechanics.

6:03 p.m. : It is 6 p.m., we take stock:

• The mayor of Saint-Etienne (Loire), Gaël Perdriau, is stepping back from the presidency of the metropolis. He gave in to pressure from elected metropolitan officials, faced with the “sextape” scandal, reports France Bleu Saint-Etienne Loire.

Germany is ready to welcome Russian deserters, announces the German Minister of the Interior. Follow our live.

“We must be able to do twice as fast as what we have just done”for renewable projects, assured Emmanuel Macron, who inaugurated the very first of a series of offshore wind farms off Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique).

• Justice gives reason to Canal+ against TF1, in the conflict between the two channels. The encrypted channel will not be obliged to broadcast TF1 channels again on its TNT Sat satellite offer, which allows households not served by terrestrial DTT to receive television.

5:07 p.m. : During a speech, the Russian president announced a partial mobilization in the country. For this, he demonstrated an increasingly firm rhetoric while showing himself “more emotional”. The analysis of our journalist Fabien Magnenou.


5:02 p.m. : The Russian or pro-Russian administrations are finishing preparations for the pseudo-referendum on annexation which will begin tomorrow in four occupied regions of Ukraine. In the region of Zaporijjia (South), the bulletin is written in Russian and Ukrainian, announces Vladimir Rogov, a member of the local occupation authorities. The mayor of Donetsk also distributes the bulletin which will be used in the region (East), all in Russian this one.



4:26 p.m. : The UN Secretary General calls for an investigation into the “catalogue of cruelties” taking place in Ukraine, during a meeting of the Security Council on the“impunity” crimes committed since the invasion of the country by Russia.

4:17 p.m. : “Whoever courageously opposes Putin and thus puts himself in great danger can apply for political asylum in Germany”said Nancy Faeser in this interview with the Sunday edition of the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, while Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said in a tweet that Russians fleeing their country were “welcome”.

3:58 p.m. : Germany is ready to welcome Russian deserters, announces the German Minister of the Interior.

3:47 p.m. : This is far from being a detail. The day after Vladimir Putin’s speech, the Russian press and observers continue to question the content of article 7 of the mobilization decree (in Russian), whose content is classified. Asked about this, the Kremlin clarified that this point concerned the number of reservists potentially mobilisable. This has, quite logically, revived the interest of observers.


2:36 p.m. : It’s 2 p.m., here are the titles:

Emmanuel Macron inaugurates today off Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) the very first of a series of offshore wind farms, the deployment of which he intends to accelerate in the face of the energy crisis. The president will speak shortly.

• The EU’s high representative for foreign policy said last night that the 27 were examining new sanctions against Russia. Josep Borrell made this statement at the end of an informal extraordinary meeting of EU foreign ministers, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. Follow our live.

“Sir, I weigh my words all the time. You are the one who regrets what you are saying”has just launched Jean-Luc Mélenchon to a reporter from “Daily“who asked him if he regretted his tweets of support for Adrien Quatennens, the LFI deputy implicated in domestic violence.

The Swiss tennis player Roger Federer will play the last match of his career tomorrow in a double where he will be associated with his great rival Rafael Nadal.

12:07 : It’s noon, time to make a new update on the news:

Emmanuel Macron inaugurates today off Saint-Nazaire the very first of a series of offshore wind farms, whose deployment he intends to accelerate in the face of the energy crisis. The president is due to speak at 1 p.m.

Our duty is to hold our line” facing “blackmail” of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Emmanuel Macron, in a BFMTV interview this morning. Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization yesterday, which concerns the reservists.

• The EU’s high representative for foreign policy said last night that the 27 were considering new sanctions against Russia. Josep Borrell made this statement at the end of an informal extraordinary meeting of EU foreign ministers, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. Follow our live.

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, is not “not favorable” that the pension reform desired by the government involves an amendment to the law on the Social Security budget. She was the guest of franceinfo this morning.

11:55 a.m. : While Vladimir Putin has decreed partial mobilization to face the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army, Russians are fleeing the country so as not to be sent to the front. Turkey is, with Armenia, one of the few countries where Russians can still take refuge. Report by Marie-Pierre Vérot in Istanbul.

11:28 : First clips coming out of Russia this morning of draftees saying bye to their families. This from a small town in Yakutsk. Credits @taygainfo

11:28 : The Russian media Taïga Info broadcasts on Twittershared by the journalist of the Guardian Pjotr ​​Sauer, images of reservists saying goodbye to their families, before leaving for the front. The scene was filmed in Yakutsk.

11:20 a.m. : “Our duty is to hold our line” facing “blackmail” of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Emmanuel Macron, in an interview with the BFMTV channel this morning. “There is today an escalation that is taken by Russia, in several respects: the partial mobilization (…) and this belligerent speech, this threat, which is intended to intimidate or to remind us that Russia is a power endowed [de l’arme nucléaire]”, did he declare.

11:08 : The G7 foreign ministers have condemned the“escalation” of Moscow in the conflict in Ukraine. The countries of the organization have promised to take “new penalties”after the announcement of a partial mobilization in Russia, in a press release published overnight.

09:07 : It’s 9 a.m., time to make a new update on the news:

Emmanuel Macron inaugurates today off Saint-Nazaire the very first of a series of offshore wind farms, whose deployment he intends to accelerate in the face of the energy crisis. The president is due to speak at 1 p.m.

From 10 a.m., the government spokesman, Olivier Véran, will be chatting here on the theme of inflation (energy and food crisis). We are waiting for your questions in our live.

• The EU’s high representative for foreign policy said last night that the 27 were considering new sanctions against Russia. Josep Borrell made this statement at the end of an informal extraordinary meeting of EU foreign ministers, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. Follow our live.

• More than 1,300 people were arrested in Russia yesterday during spontaneous demonstrations against the partial mobilization for the offensive in Ukraine, announced in the morning by President Vladimir Putin, according to the NGO OVD-Info.

07:52 : Ukraine and Russia carried out an exchange of military prisoners, the largest since the start of the offensive at the end of February. “We managed to free 215 people”, declared on Wednesday evening on television the head of the Ukrainian presidential administration Andriï Yermak. Russia has recovered 55 prisoners including ex-MP Viktor Medvedchuk, a close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin, accused of high treason in Ukraine.

07:52 : The EU’s high representative for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, claimed last night that the 27 were considering new sanctions against Russia after “climbing” announced by Moscow. He made the statement after an informal extraordinary meeting of EU foreign ministers in New York.

07:53 : It’s 6 o’clock, the moment to make the first update on the news of the day:

• Ukraine and Russia carried out an exchange of military prisoners, the largest since the start of the offensive at the end of February. The announcement comes after Vladimir Putin mobilized hundreds of thousands of reservists to relaunch his offensive in Ukraine.

More than 1,300 people were arrested in Russia yesterday during spontaneous demonstrations against the partial mobilization for the offensive in Ukraine, announced in the morning by President Vladimir Putin, according to the NGO OVD-Info.

Emmanuel Macron inaugurates today off Saint-Nazaire the very first of a series of offshore wind farms, whose deployment he intends to accelerate in the face of the energy crisis.

The powerful Category 4 hurricane Fiona is advancing towards the Bermuda archipelago after raging in the Caribbean, where Puerto Rico is struggling to restore running water and electricity and is reviewing damage qualified as major by the authorities.

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