Children’s health: small and big ailments

Our youngest has fallen from his high chair, the eldest wakes up with a high fever, the school calls us because our son has vomited… Parents’ lives are punctuated by these small and big worries about the health of children. Between regular visits to the pediatrician, we tend to rush to the emergency room at the slightest concern. For a parent, between the minor sores that we can treat ourselves and the illnesses and accidents that require an emergency consultation, it is not always easy to distinguish between things.

Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the emergency pediatrician To be or not Toubib. Behind this nickname in the form of a wink, hides a formidable pediatrician who published Emergencies or not emergencies. He gives us plenty of good advice so that we can have the good reflexes and good gestures in case of small or big health problems of our children.

Medical news and questions from listeners

Today, Hello Doctor takes stock of the epidemic recovery of COVID-19especially strong in children.

We answer Nelly’s question on the fibromyalgia and the restless leg syndrometo that of Corinne, from Dreux, on the cystic fibrosisas well as Kader from Lyon, who never managed to swallow a capsule in his lifeand who wonders if his blockage is psychological and if there is a solution.

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