Loana restores her painful truth about this physical change that is causing a lot of talk

Loana is definitely still full of surprises. Wednesday, September 21, she took to her Instagram account to share a new pic of her on which a physical detail had something to challenge. The 45-year-old blonde appeared with different colored eyes and claimed to have odd eyes. A rare feature unknown to her community, which rather thought that she had lost one of her lenses. Internet users think that Loana is lying. “You’ve always had basic brown eyes and you’ve always worn blue contact lenses… why always lie“, “It’s obvious to death that it’s a lens… the eye is pixelated!“, “You have to stop inventing a life for yourself at some point!“, sent him some unconvinced people.

Through her post, Loana therefore sought to explain herself. “No, I haven’t lost a lens, no to everything I’ve read… I’m fine, I just have mismatched eyes after a personal shock… After a week of sleep, after several bouts of spasmophilia (these are very, very strong anxiety attacks due to an illness and nothing else) I came to my senses with these different colored eyes. Nothing explains it but it’s like that and I finally love…“, she wrote.

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