Leclerc recalls compotes with “a risk” to health

These are apple compotes from the Douceur du verger brand, packaged in packs of 16. They may contain patulin, a substance that is very harmful to the digestive system.

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Apple compotes from the Douceur du verger brand, sold by the E. Leclerc brands, have been the subject of a recall throughout France since Tuesday, September 20, indicates the government site “Rappel Conso”. They present a risk of containing patulin “beyond regulatory limits”.

Patulin is a mycotoxin, a substance produced by microscopic fungi, which can present “a health risk in the event of significant and repeated consumption over the long term”, warns Rappel Conso. Patulin can, according to ANSES (the National Health Security Agency), cause “gastrointestinal disorders with ulcerations, distensions and hemorrhages, even disturbances of the renal function, at higher doses”.

These are apple compotes, packaged in batches of 16 and whose expiry date is set at January 25, 2023. They were sold by Leclerc throughout France, from August 5, 2022 to September 19, 2022. Only the Products with additional code 06 or 08 after the barcode are affected by the recall.

The authorities call for “stop consuming” the product and “report to point of sale” in order to get a refund.

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