virtual train journeys to soothe the sick


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Wednesday, September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Day. In an Ehpad, virtual train journeys take place. They help calm the sick.

Residents of Ehpad are invited on a journey, in a reconstituted wagon. For Alzheimer’s patients, this activity promotes a return to calm. For 40 minutes, Betty, 91, will remain seated in the car in front of a screen that scrolls the rails. Usually she walks the halls. At his side, Francine, 90, is soothed and evokes her memories. Disguised as a conductor, a nurse’s aide completes the illusion.

These virtual trips are offered once or twice a week, at the end of the afternoon. “Those who want to leave, no longer want to leave. Those who were agitated are much calmer. Those who had behavioral problems find a certain serenity”, explains Dr. Michel Bismuth, coordinating doctor. A similar experiment in Italy would have made it possible to reduce patient medication by 40%. For the past two months, thanks to these trips, communication has been enriched between patients and their families.

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