Threats from V. Putin, China takes a stand on Ukraine, the PS in ambush against EELV and LFI weakened… The informed of the morning of Wednesday, September 21

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Wednesday, September 21, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes :

War in Ukraine : the “partial mobilization” is decreed in Russia, pacifist mobilizations take shape a few hours after Vladimir Putin’s announcements. China calls for a “ceasefire through dialogue” at the UN rostrum. Joe Biden accuses V. Poutine of having “brazenly violated” the founding principles of the United Nations Charter.

Pension reform: is the file an explosive bill for the government? The Modem, from the majority, could vote against if the executive passes in force.

Violence against women: the cases accusing Julien Bayou (EELV) and Adrien Quatennens (LFI), will they benefit the PS, in the ambush, to take control of Nupes?

The informed:

Julie Marie Lecontehead of the Policy department at franceinfo.

Francois Reynaertjournalist and writer, columnist at the Obs.

Lawrence MarchandForeign Policy columnist at Ouest-France.

Guilhem Ricavyeditorial director of the La Provence group.

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