Quatennens case: Is the intimate political? The Franceinfo Talk debate



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Sunday, September 18, Adrien Quatennens, deputy of the North announced the withdrawal of his functions from La France Insoumise, acknowledging having “slapped” his wife “a year ago”. How the intimate becomes political? TEvery evening from 6 p.m., Manon Mella and her guests debate with Internet users on the franceinfo Twitch channel.

After the revelation by Le Canard Enchaîné, of the existence of a handrail filed by Céline Quatennens against the deputy LFI, Adrien Quatennens announced on Sunday that he would “withdraw from his function as coordinator” of the party. In a press release posted on Twitter, the deputy admits having committed violence against his wife. If the private and public spheres have been thought of as separate, is it still relevant to separate the private from the political?

Yaël Goosz, political journalist, and Fiona Texeire, co-founder of the Observatory of gender-based and sexual violence in politics are in the Talk to discuss it. Manon Mella also receives Hélène L’Heuillet philosopher and psychoanalyst.

Monday, September 19, the Lille prosecutor’s office confirmed the opening of an investigation for domestic violence. If the content of the handrail filed by Céline Quatennens has not been made public, the deputy from the North acknowledged on Twitter on Sunday several acts of violence against his partner in a “context of announcing separation”.

If the deputy withdrew from his functions within LFI, on social networks, the reactions of the members of the party multiplied and many welcomed the effort of transparency of Adrien Quatennens. Also, many feminist activists consider the withdrawal of the deputy as an insufficient measure and demand his departure from the national assembly.

Join us from 6 p.m. Monday to Friday on the franceinfo Twitch channel to participate in Manon Mella’s Talk. An hour of exchange, clarification, debate around topical and social issues.

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