Next CAQ government: Dubé to Health, no guarantee for Roberge to Education

LAC MÉGANTIC – In a future CAQ government, the economic trio should remain the same and Christian Dubé will remain Minister of Health. However, there is no guarantee for Jean-François Roberge at Education.

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Two days before the second debate of the leaders of the electoral marathon and after several days of controversy over the third link between Quebec and Lévis, the outgoing Prime Minister tried to refocus the debate on the economy.

“With inflation, with global economic uncertainty, with interest rates that keep going up, I think the ballot box issue is really around the economy,” he said. the chief caquiste, passing through Lac-Mégantic for an announcement on sports infrastructure. A speech that is reminiscent of that held by the Liberal leader since the start of the campaign.

According to François Legault, it is the CAQ which can count in its ranks on the economic “dream team” with Eric Girard in Finance, Sonia Lebel in the Treasury and Pierre Fitzgibbon in the Economy. The economic teams of other political parties “give shivers down the spine”, he insisted.

Christian Dubé does not have to worry either. “In health, is there anyone who has a better future Minister of Health than the one we currently have?” Added the outgoing Prime Minister.

The CAQ “dream team” in education is less certain. “There is plenty to choose from, there are many, there is the team we had with Isabelle (Charest) and Jean-François (Roberge) and there are others who have been added. . We have a lot of former school principals, teachers, we have a president of a teachers’ union, so we have a lot of them, the difficulty is to choose, ”said François Legault.

Should the current Minister Jean-François Roberge be worried? “There is no one who has a guaranteed job at the CAQ, so it will be from October 4 that I will look at what will be the best training and it will not be an easy exercise”, from answer the head of the CAQ.

François Legault has even advanced on the possibility that there are two ministers on the south shore of Quebec, given the importance of the file of the 3rd link. “We can’t rule that out.”

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