after the funeral of Elizabeth II, Prime Minister Liz Truss expected at the turn

The British Prime Minister has a busy agenda, shared between diplomacy with the United Nations General Assembly and a series of measures to deal with the multiple crises that are going through the United Kingdom.

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The UK is coming back to reality. After the lavish funeral of Elizabeth II, the country wakes up with an uncertain future. Record inflation, soaring energy prices, complicated diplomacy… The new Prime Minister is really starting her term now. And, starting this week, Liz Truss has a lot to do.

>> Death of Elizabeth II: the crazy week of Liz Truss, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

You have to make up two weeks in four days. Two weeks without Parliament, without a political decision. It is primarily an exercise in diplomacy for Liz Truss. She flew to New York and the United Nations General Assembly which begins this Tuesday, September 20. On the sidelines of the official program, an interview with Joe Biden. In particular, it will have to explain its position on the Northern Irish protocol. The American president, proud of his Irish roots, is very attentive to what is happening there.

By the way, the new British Prime Minister will have the opportunity to tell Emmanuel Macron whether she considers him a friend or an enemy. A question she had left unanswered a few weeks ago.

His government will make announcements at a steady pace. On Wednesday, the support plan for businesses in the face of soaring energy prices. Thursday, the reorganization of public health services, bloodless after the pandemic.

>> United Kingdom: Liz Truss, a government with a new “Iron Lady”?

And Friday, a mini-budget which must reveal how to lower taxes and taxes, drastically, as promised by the Prime Minister during her conquest for 10 Downing Street. Liz Truss must decide, move forward, convince and quickly. She has no choice.

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