The Aygueblue swimming pool in Saint-Geours-de-Maremne reopens its doors this Friday

This Tuesday, the community of MACS commune announces the reopening of the Aygueblue aquatic center in Saint-Geours-de-Maremne. The doors of the community equipment, managed by the private delegate Vert Marine, will be open to the public again this Friday, September 23.

The community of communes specifies that “free learning to swim for schoolchildren starts as planned on Monday, September 26” and “all the other activities offered (club training, aquagym lessons, swimming school, etc.) resume from this Friday, September 23“.

The “pressure” on Vert Marine

The Aygueblue swimming pool in Saint-Geours-de-Maremne is one of around thirty swimming pools in France to have suddenly closed its doors 15 days ago following the announcement of Vert Marine. This company, based in Normandy, specializes in the management of sports equipment of this type. It manages the Aygueblue swimming pool through a public service delegation.

Since the closure announced due to the explosion in energy prices, the community of MACS commune negotiated with Vert Marine the conditions for a rapid reopening. Successful negotiations are satisfied with Pierre Froustey, the president of the community of commune: “thanks to the pressure that all the communities that are linked to Vert Marine have put, Vert Marine has apparently negotiated its energy rates to allow reopening under economically viable conditions“.

The president of the community of commune specifies that these two weeks of closure made it possible to carry out work and the emptying of the swimming pool initially planned for the spring. The swimming pool will therefore not have to close at this time.

As for the threat of a new closure in the face of rising energy prices, Pierre Froustey reassures: “They are required by the public service delegation which stops in 2023, in September of memory, to go to the end“. If the delegate wants to try to apply again for the management of the equipment next year, the president of the community of commune believes that Vert Marine has every interest in keeping its commitments.

source site-38