Cyril Hanouna insults a famous actor live and threatens: “He’s going to be hot when I meet him”

Every day in Do not touch My TV, Cyril Hanouna and his team of columnists discuss the news. This is how on Monday, September 19, 2022, the release of an actor about the consequences of the war in Ukraine was mentioned. “If this winter we have to lower the heating by one degree, it is not very serious“, thus considers Jean-Paul Rouve at the microphone of RTL. Remarks which aroused strong reactions, starting with that of the host of C8 who did not hesitate to knock out his ex-comrade.

He talks about things where he doesn’t understand anything, he’s above ground“, first loose Cyril Hanouna, already very annoyed. And to continue, still tackling the interpreter of Jeff Tuche, the father in the famous film: “Let him start doing again The Tuches, don’t bother us, what a jerk this one is ! (…) Him, I do not hang. The last time he put a cartridge in me Paris Match or whatever, so I called him. I said to him: ‘Do you have a problem?’ He says to me: ‘No, no I love you.’ And then he handed me a cartridge. In any case, he’s going to be hot when I meet him!“Anxious not to convey a message of violence, the father of Bianca (11 years old) and Lino (10 years old), both born of his love with his ex-girlfriend Emilie, wishes to specify that he does not count in come to blows but simply have explanations.

Tense and still annoyed by the words of Jean-Paul Rouve, Cyril Hanouna did not stop there. “He’s asshole. (…) Jean-Paul Rouve I know him well, he is not a model of intelligence“, he continues. Finally, while Géraldine Maillet wanted to give her opinion on the matter, indicating that she partly understood the words of the actor, she was stopped short. “You’ll speak tomorrow, you’ll still get paid, don’t worry“, says Cyril Hanouna, thus ending the debate.

Remember that the two men have known each other for many years. Cyril Hanouna indeed began his career on the Comédie channel as a props man for Robins des Bois, a humorous troupe led in particular by Jean-Paul Rouve. However, they did not seem to have kept very good relations since this is not the first time that the host has tackled his ex-collaborator. In December 2021, he called the actor “courageous lesson giver“… Not sure that tensions are easing now.

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