the members of the main association of supporters of the Blues will be “six times less” numerous in Qatar than during the last World Cup

“When I said to myself that by going there, I was going to party and celebrate goals in a place where workers died, I decided to condemn this Cup”, declares Fabien Bonnel, founding member of the main association of supporters of the Blues.

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“I have decided to condemn this World Cup in Qatar”Fabien Bonnel, founding member of Irrésistibles Français, the main association of supporters of the Blues, explained Monday, September 19 in the Franceinfo Talk on Twitch, while various personalities have spoken in recent days to announce their boycott of the competition. world, because of human rights and environmental abuses in his organization.

If he explains that he is speaking in a personal capacity, the supporter indicates that only about a hundred members of Irrésistibles Français will attend the event, it is “six times less” than in Russia 4 years ago. “These social, political and environmental questions are old, we’ve been asking them since 2010… When I said to myself that by going there, I was going to party and celebrate goals in a place where workers died, I have decided to condemn this Cup”.

Beyond the trip to the peninsula, Fabien Bonnel also ensures that he will not watch any match, including those of the French team. “The whole system works around the supporters: without them, no audience and therefore no television rights. If we want FIFA to move, we have to show them that we are not fools”he defends, before concluding: “Hopefully the ratings will be down.”

>> To watch the franceinfo Talk show, it’s on Twitch.

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