Works by Brad Pitt and Nick Cave exhibited in a Finnish gallery

Actor Brad Pitt and musician Nick Cave exhibit visual works at a gallery in Tampere, Finland.

Posted at 12:34 p.m.

Marissa Groguhe

Marissa Groguhe
The Press

The exhibition takes place at the Sara Hildén Art Museum as part of Thomas Houseago’s event: WE with Nick Cave & Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt submitted nine of his sculptural works. Ceramic works by Australian musician Nick Cave are also on display.

Among Brad Pitt’s collection, firearm bullets crystallized in platinum silicone as well as his very first sculpture, a 46 cm miniature house made of scrap wood. There is also a cast plaster panel depicting a shooting scene, as well as a series of house-shaped sculptures cast in clear silicone that were each hit with a different caliber of ammunition.

“Cave and Pitt are already renowned in their respective fields of music and film, but this is the first time they’ve exhibited their artwork — pieces that were created through ongoing dialogue with Houseago. “, can we read on the gallery’s website.

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