“There was no other choice”, according to MEP Manon Aubry

“There was no other choice for Adrien Quatennens than to withdraw”, estimated, Monday, September 19 on franceinfo, the insubordinate France MEP Manon Aubry. This declaration comes the day after Adrien Quatennens withdrew from his function as coordinator of the movement, acknowledging violence against his wife. “I am proud that in a feminist movement, we do not look at his pumps and that we say to ourselves that when a man recognizes domestic violence, he can no longer speak politically”, she adds. She also wants a judicial inquiry to be opened.

franceinfo: Is it the right decision for Adrien Quatennens to step back from his duties within La France insoumise?

Manon Aubry: It was a decision that was necessary and inevitable. Adrien Quatennens acknowledged in his press release facts that are domestic violence. I think it is necessary to put the words and it is clear, from that moment, that the coherence between our commitment in the fight against sexist and sexual violence left no room for its continuation at the head of the movement and also in his public speech. From that moment, there was no other choice for Adrien Quatennens than to step back, which was done in consultation with him.

“I believe that in quite a few days, La France insoumise has demonstrated that it reacted and that it left no room for doubt.”

Manon Aubry, MEP La France insoumise

at franceinfo

There were discussions with him, including to understand what happened. The commission for the fight against sexual and sexist violence of insubordinate France has not been seized, that is the difficulty. Suffice to say that last week, we were all flabbergasted because none of us had the slightest information, including on the contents of the daybook. However, the amazement quickly gave way to action. I am proud that in a feminist movement, we do not look at his pumps and that we say to ourselves that when a man recognizes domestic violence, he can no longer speak out politically.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s tweet in which he salutes the dignity and courage of Adrien Quatennens caused feminist associations to react. “He has my trust and affection,” he wrote. Would you say things the same way?

These are not my words. I think Jean-Luc Mélenchon felt a little betrayed by Adrien Quatennens. For me, the urgency was first of all a political reaction. In the official press release of La France insoumise, we wrote three things. The first is that the movement takes note of the withdrawal of Adrien Quatennens. Secondly, it recalls that the fight against gender-based and sexual violence is the linchpin of our movement and our political fight.

>> Adrien Quatennens: “I have never seen a politician do an exercise in total transparency on facts of domestic violence”, greets Raquel Garrido

The third thing we remembered is that we have a committee to fight against sexist and sexual violence within the movement that any woman can enter. And I repeat on your antenna, that goes for Adrien Quatennens, for all the political activists of our movement. It is available for all activists, all women who would like to take it. We listen and we tell women that we believe them and that’s what happened yesterday.

Will Adrien Quatennens remain a deputy?

De facto, he is withdrawn from all public speech. You will not hear him in the coming weeks speaking about our political movement. There are reforms that have been made in the fight against sexist and sexual violence. In general, a handrail gives rise to the opening of a judicial investigation. For my part, I tell you that I would like an investigation to be opened.

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