Brits ready for farewell to Queen


Article written by

M. Septembre, C. Madini, L. Soudre, A. Lay, C. Duval, T. Le Bras, S. Guibout – France 3

France Televisions

London is preparing, Sunday, September 18, for the funeral of Elizabeth II. Many Britons are gathered to pay their last respects to their queen.

Never has an event attracted so many people to London (UK). On the outskirts of Westminster Abbey, it’s the last night of camping for a group of regulars at royal events. Friday was great, it was very quiet. Since then, it’s going up, it’s going up, it’s going up, and today (…) we can feel this energy”confides a woman, who came from Liverpool (UK). The hotels are full, and a record crowd is expected in public transport.

Everywhere in London, queues, with the air of pilgrimage: one to meditate near the queen’s coffin, another to access Buckingham Palace. A London family waited two hours to reach the palace gates. Monday is much more than a kingdom that will unite one last time behind its queen. More than a million people are expected in the capital.

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