Demonstrations planned in several cities | Coalition calls for regularization program for undocumented migrants

(Toronto) Demonstrations are planned for Sunday in several Canadian cities to demand that the federal government grant permanent residency to undocumented immigrants.

Posted at 12:14 p.m.

A pan-Canadian coalition of migrants and civil society groups wants the government to quickly put in place a regularization program for undocumented migrants.

For the spokesperson for Solidarité sans Frontières, Hady Anne, the moment is well chosen for the federal government to listen to the demands of the coalition.

“We have more than 500,000 on Canadian territory without status, which is really serious and dangerous for a society like ours today,” he said in an interview with The Canadian Press.

The federal government launched a regularization program during the pandemic for asylum seekers working in the health sector. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked his Minister of Immigration and Citizenship to explore ways to regularize the status of undocumented workers.

The coalition believes that it is possible to include all undocumented immigrants. According to her, the government should focus on it as Parliament prepares to sit again next week.

“It’s realistic and it’s possible,” says Mr. Anne. These people, in majority, are people who leave their territory because they are driven out by wars, dictators or hunger. They are there to seek dignity. They live among us. I don’t think their lives bother anyone in Canada. »

Demonstrations are planned in particular in Montreal, Ottawa, Miramichi and Fredericton.

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