how the explanations of the deputy LFI, who admits having slapped his wife, are received within the Nupes

Adrien Quatennens puts on “withdrawn from his function as coordinator” of La France insoumise. Figure of the young guard of the movement, the deputy of the North has recognized, Sunday, September 18, violent “quarrels” and an “slap” against his wife, a few days after The chained Duck revealed filing a handrail from his wife.

“I could hunker down, minimize the facts and wait for the storm to pass”, writes Adrien Quatennens in a long press release. “But because I am politically responsible and I want to set an example to which I want to assign myself and which has always been my line of conduct, I draw the political consequences. He is putting himself “withdrawn” of his function as coordinator of La France insoumise (LFI). This affair revived the debates on the left on the treatment, within the parties, of violence against women and raised many reactions within the Nupes.

LFI reiterates “its commitment against sexist and sexual violence”

In a press release published during the day, LFI reacts to this withdrawal. “This decision, which we welcome, was taken in consultation with the authorities of the movement and will be followed by the measures necessary for the good animation of our movement”said the political formation. Invited to the program “Grand Jury RTL – Le Figaro – LCI”, Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI group at the National Assembly, welcomed a decision “just and wise” from Adrien Quatennens. A decision “indispensable considering the facts he has admitted”, according to MP LFI William Martinet. “Adrien’s withdrawal was necessary”, tweeted the Insoumis MP Christophe Bex, whose “support goes to Céline Quatennens.”

In its press release, LFI reiteratedher unfailing commitment to the fight against violence against women”. The party, which wants to be at the forefront on these issues, thus reminded “the existence within it of a monitoring committee against sexist and sexual violence always available to listen to the voice of women.”

On franceinfo, the rebellious deputy Raquel Garrido also insisted on the treatment of questions of sexist and sexual violence within the movement. “The important person here is Céline Quatennensshe said. We have to show that we listened to what she said. To the point that Adrien Quatennens steps back.” According to the MP for the 5th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis, it is LFI’s culture of dealing with these issues that motivated the“full transparency exercise” of the deputy from the North, bringing “the proof” that “the issue of sexual and gender-based violence is taken into account very seriously.”

“Our movement is that of the fight against gender-based and sexual violence. My thoughts go out to all women who aspire to their freedom”tweeted the deputy of the 11th district of Paris, Clémentine Autain, judging “just and inevitable”the withdrawal of Adrien Quatennens.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s support for Andrien Quatennens creates a stir

In a tweet published at midday, the Insoumis leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, castigated “police malice, media voyeurism, social networks” who “were invited in the conflictual divorce of Adrien and Céline Quatennens“, in particular by leaking the existence of a handrail. “Adrien decides to take everything on himself. I salute his dignity and his courage. I tell him my trust and my affection”, he added.

The wording chosen aroused the incomprehension of several allies of the Nupes, who pointed to a condemnation of the context, and not of the gesture recognized by the deputy. “This tweet must be from another world”reacted the environmentalist senator Mélanie Vogel. “A world where Adrien Quatennens has not just issued a press release acknowledging violence, including physical violence against his wife.”

“The reaction of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is lamentable”, abounded Luc Broussy, president of the national council of the PS.Everyone is therefore guilty except the one who slapped his wife.he was indignant, seeing there the“inability” by Jean-Luc Melenchon to endorse the leadership of a modern, humanist and feminist left”.

In the wake of these reactions, Jean-Luc Mélenchon clarified his position: Céline and Adrien are both my friends. My affection for him does not mean that I am indifferent to Celine”he tweeted. “She did not want to be quoted. But I say it: a slap is unacceptable in any case. Adrien assumes it. It’s good.”

A more personal tone also adopted by LFI deputy Sophia Chikirou. “There is the couple of friends that we love and hate to see tear each other apart. There is the political leader, Adrien Quatennens, who is admired for his honesty and selflessness. Leave them alone now!”

Sandrine Rousseau calls on the deputy to put himself “withdrawn from everything”

For her part, the EELV deputy Sandrine Rousseau called on Adrien Quatennens to go further and to “withdrawn from all public speech”, including the Assembly. Guest of Radio J, she declared that he was not not possible to represent men and women (…) when one has been guilty of such acts. There is now a decision of the political party to be taken”, added the chosen one.

Quotes repeated on Twitter: “Justice must decide and in the meantime Adrien Quatennens must step back from everything.” Returning to the gestures conceded by Adrien Quatennens, she recalled that “there is physical violence and violence involving taking someone else’s mobile phone. Violence against women has many faces. None are acceptable.”

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