the princess will be separated from her children for “several weeks” …

On November 9, she finally returned to Monaco after 8 months of absence, and as many concerns related to her state of health. It was believed Charlene of Monaco was out of business after her ENT infections and repeated surgeries. It is not so. The princess was interned in a specialized establishment to treat her physical and mental fatigue.

“We miss you mom”

On November 19, on the balcony of the princely palace, her children, the princely twins Jacques and Gabriella, who barely had time to see her, addressed tender words to her, in drawings. “We love you mom “, and “we miss you mom”. In an interview with People magazine, their dad explains that they were very understanding. Indeed, “They knew she was tired. That she wasn’t quite herself. And then I told them she needed time to rest, that she is now somewhere not too far away. and that we will be able to go see her one day. They understood “.

Result, he said, the little ones “Know she’s going to talk to them very soon. They miss her, of course, but they understand. Children at that age, they understand.”, assures Albert II. On December 10, we do not yet know if the little ones will be able to see her in the flesh. “We will go see her. I can’t give you a deadline on this “ specifies the ruler of the rock. And to add: “Not in the next few days, certainly, but as soon as we get the medical green light. You know that this kind of treatment, these periods of rest, usually last for several weeks.”.

“She needs time to rest”

And that’s exactly why Caroline and Stéphanie’s brother asked the media to respect his wife’s privacy. “As a family we need privacy” reveals Albert of Monaco. Protector with the one he married 10 years ago, he explains: “She needs time to rest in the best possible environment. Even though we as a family are public figures. When public figures have health issues, they deserve privacy like anyone else. ‘other. I hope everyone understands that. “.

>> See also: Charlene from Monaco is going to be operated on: we finally know what caused her an ENT infection


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