Adrien Quatennens, targeted by a handrail filed by his wife, leaves his position as coordinator of the movement

The LFI deputy from the North Adrien Quatennens returns, in a press release, to several disputes with his wife, whom he admits to having slapped. He leaves his position as leader of the radical left movement and is at the disposal of justice.

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After the revelation on Tuesday September 13 of the deposit of a handrail targeting the deputy of the North Adrien Quatennens, the parliamentarian of La France insoumise (LFI) announced in a press release, Sunday September 18, that he was putting himself “withdrawn” of his functions as a leader within the movement. “I step back from my role as coordinator of La France insoumise to protect the movement, its activists and all those who rely a lot on me”he explains.

Adrien Quatennens publishes this press release five days after the publication by the chained duck of a handrail by the wife of number 2 of LFI after “a fight”. In this letter, the deputy re-elected last June goes back at length on this separation, of which “(he suffers” and which caused several episodes of violence within the couple. “I know the facts which can be reproached to me and the simplest thing is surely to say them”he explains.

The LFI deputy from the North, who had been entrusted by Jean-Luc Mélenchon with the functions of coordinator of the movement, in February 2020, explains the “quarrels” he had with Céline, his wife. The manager acknowledges having “grab the wrist”have him “took his cell phone”but also have it “slapped”one year ago. “I gave it when it did not look like me and it never happened again. I deeply regretted this gesture and I then apologized a lot”he shouts.

“Not a Violent Man”, Adrien Quatennens says he is “naturally” at the disposal of justice if the latter wishes to hear him for these facts. He also refuses to “make (public) any additional details on the context, to protect (his) wife and (their) child”.

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