Education does not lose an election!

In the last few days, many people wondered about the meager presence of education in the electoral campaign.

This is hardly surprising given that it is the top priority for less than 10% of the population. This is what polls have shown us for several decades, health, transport and the economy coming before it.

We better understand politicians who do not want to stumble over a subject that remains secondary for the vast majority of citizens. Electoral clientelism imposing itself!

This is even truer for the CAQ government with its minister in rose-colored glasses who is struggling to convince that all is well while experts are worried about the deterioration of the school network.

Minister Jean-François Roberge will be characterized by his longevity, but certainly not by his performance

In the pandemic era

In his defense, we must admit that he did not sail on a calm sea.

The waves of COVID-19 rocked the ship. In addition, he officiated at the head of a ministry whose sailors are known to do as they please.

We can also wonder about the latitude he had with Mr. Legault and even about his ability to influence him.

By abolishing the school boards, the minister claimed to bring decision-making centers closer to action. On the contrary, it increased the centralization towards the ministry, and consequently, the bureaucratic heaviness.

The 4-year-old preschool, which he wanted to extend to the whole province, the ambivalence between the use of classes and the CPEs as well as the decline of the ministry on the training program have not produced tangible results on educational success. .

The state of the school building stock remains dilapidated. The contradictions relating to ventilation in establishments were no joke.

Equally daunting are the teacher shortages it delights in downplaying and its candy publicity to lure anyone ahead of a class.

We understand that with such a balance sheet, the tendency is to hide it under the carpet.

Sensitive debates

The oppositions do not rush to the front any more, because they are aware that the relevant solutions to carry out the mission of education do not achieve consensus.

We live in a three-tier system where many students are left behind.

To rectify the situation requires putting an end to the financing of a private network and to the selective project in the public sector.

As in many other areas, parents are in favor of equal opportunities provided that their child has more luck!

Coluche was perhaps right to say that the ministers prefer to invest in prisons rather than in schools, because they are sure not to return there, whereas they do not have this certainty for the prison.

The school is fundamental for the future of a nation. Let’s hope that the courage to do otherwise for the success of the greatest number will show up on the bridge of education.

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