two people missing in Guadeloupe after the floods

They were swept away by the rising waters in a district of Basse-Terre. The heavy rainfall caused the rivers to overflow, explains the SDIS 971.

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Two people are missing in Guadeloupe, after the passage of the storm Fiona, indicates the SDIS of Guadeloupe to franceinfo, Saturday September 17. These two people were swept away by the rising waters in a district of Basse-Terre.

Since the start of the storm, firefighters have received 630 calls and carried out 130 interventions. At 5:30 a.m. (11:30 a.m. local time), 23 people were rescued and two people are missing. “We plan to engage specialized search teams, with dogs, as soon as day breaks”specifies Colonel Frédéric Lhomme, deputy departmental director of the firefighters of Guadeloupe.

“We have a lot of relief on the outskirts of Basse-Terre. Very heavy rainfall that has lasted for several hours converges in completely saturated waterways that overflow”, explains Frédéric Lhomme. Residential areas are flooded, the rains have “carried away a house with a priori a person inside”, adds the deputy director of the Guadeloupe fire department.

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