2 billion “Green Pact” | François Legault reopens the door at the request of the cities

(Montreal) François Legault reopens the door he had quickly closed this week at the request of major cities to conclude a “green pact” in order to meet their needs estimated at two billion to adapt to climate change. The caquiste chief refuses to explain this reversal.

Posted at 2:45 p.m.

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard
The Press

In a speech to members of the Union of Quebec Municipalities (UMQ) on Friday, the CAQ leader showed himself ready to grant more funds to cities to adapt to climate change.

Earlier this week, he was quick to shut the door on the demand from big cities, citing “Quebecers’ ability to pay,” as he is already striving to reduce the tax burden in this time of inflation.

“We already have a plan for a green economy of 7 billion where the proposals of the municipalities [et] large cities will be well received, as long as they offer a good return on the reduction of GHGs at the proposed cost,” said the CAQ leader after a meeting with the mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante. Other requests will be analyzed on a “case by case” basis, he added.

However, before the UMQ, François Legault affirmed that “if there is not enough money, we will add more”. According to his explanations, this would be done through the Oasis project aimed at combating heat islands, whose current budget amounts to 325 million. The extra money would be awarded “on merit”. “So the projects that will be presented, we will support them,” he said.

It is also ready to open its pockets to meet the needs of cities regarding drinking water infrastructure. “I am very aware that there is a huge problem with drinking water. We have to assess it, we have to be sure that it’s fair there too, because some municipalities have invested a lot and others have invested less. So it’s a big project that I want to open, “he said.

“So you are less categorical today than at the start of the week in closing the door to the Green Pact? asked the host of the UMQ Electoral Summit, Emmanuelle Latraverse. “I am less categorical than what was written by journalists,” he said.

The caquiste chief refuses to explain this reversal. His team rejected a request from reporters who cover his campaign for clarification. Mr. Legault has no other activity on Friday: he leaves Montreal to go to Rivière-du-Loup.

Before the start of the UMQ summit, the mayor of Quebec, Bruno Marchand, maintained that François Legault had been “too quickly on the trigger” by refusing outright the establishment of a “green pact”. The Mayor of Longueuil Catherine Fournier said for her part that “Mother Nature” called the CAQ leader to order with the torrential rains that hit the Montreal region.

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