Flexibility, telecommuting, unlimited holidays… Faced with recruitment difficulties, these companies are “ready to negotiate”

Plaquist in Haute-Garonne, David Morales has been desperately trying to recruit for three years. He even hired two young butchers in retraining whom they train on the job and above all he adapted to the demands of the employees. “It is true that employees are in a stronger position today than in a period when there is less work”he acknowledges.

“We have modulated our schedules. Instead of starting again at 1:30 p.m., we start again earlier so that they can go home earlier.”

David Morales, plasterer in need of labor

at franceinfo

“There are also things that have evolvedcontinues David Morales. It is not the company that chooses, it is the employee, if he is paid overtime or if he takes additional hours off. When they ask for raises, we are not going to tell them that it is not possible. We do everything to be able to give them some in relation to the work that is done”.

Banking is also a sector in tension. Moreover, some agencies even offer bonuses to employees who manage to find new recruits and make them stay for more than six months. Because in addition to recruitment difficulties, you have to succeed in keeping employees with new aspirations.

>> Resignations at their highest in French companies since the 2008 crisis

At the RATP, we are also sounding the general mobilization in the face of the shortage of bus drivers in Île-de-France. Of the 1,500 recruitments needed for 2022, only 700 were made between January and the end of August. There are therefore 800 left to be filled. Everything is therefore done to make the job more attractive.

First there are paid one-month training courses, 10% more apprenticeship contracts are offered this year compared to 2021 and the bus license is also covered by the RATP. “It’s true that it played because we are paid 1,320 euros net so I think it’s very good for training”, recognizes Maxime, in pro contract. The minimum age will also be lowered to 18 to become a driver with a gross salary at the start of the career of 2,200 euros gross. “It pays well”, believes Delphine who went to competition before returning. Like Elenaïc, currently in retraining, she also puts the reputation and stability of a large group forward to explain her candidacy.

However, the RATP recorded 1% of resignations in 2022, a figure on the rise. And if there are still so many candidates, some do not follow up for interviews or tests, is surprised the HRD Alexandre Guyot, who judges the situation “unpublished”. To attract more solid candidates, the RATP passes, like the banks, by co-option. Agents who recruit someone have a bonus “up to 500 euros”specifies Alexandre Guyot, who talks about results “encouraging”. Despite everything, this remains insufficient to circulate all the buses normally. The RATP also admits “continuing operating difficulties” this month.

Lisa is a recent graduate of the Epicta engineering school. She is on a permanent contract and yet “Today, I receive requests on LinkedIn for jobs almost every dayshe says. People who put forward different things, everything related to flexibility, professional/personal life balance… Companies are, I think, quite ready to negotiate on a lot of criteria because it is indeed difficult to find profiles.”

Some companies have anticipated and institutionalized these new demands, such as Luko home insurance, which has been offering unlimited paid leave for two years, explains Léa Joussaume, the communications manager.

“It’s true that having these kinds of advantages such as unlimited holidays and the possibility of telecommuting makes it possible to stand out in the labor market.”

Léa Joussaume, communication manager at Luko

at franceinfo

“We did a little survey of our candidates and for half, it’s part of the things that push them to join Luko”confirms Léa Joussaume.

Today, more than 950,000 job offers are available on the Pôle emploi site. The agency has moreover project to create a “pool” of immediately employable unemployed people in the most strained sectorsaccording to information from franceinfo.

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