the minister for energy transition wants to go faster and stronger

As of January 1, 2023, thermal colanders in category G will be prohibited for rental. This will stretch the market because some owners refuse to embark on insulation work which will cost them too much. However, the Minister for Energy Transition remains optimistic: ” I don’t think this behavior will last. Some have bet on the fact that we would not apply the texts that have been voted, thinking that we would put up with these energy sieves. Except that we must be aware of the fact that if we do not start by fighting against the places that waste the most, we will have no legitimacy to be heard by all the citizens from whom we are asking for efforts. When the price of electricity and gas was the one we knew a year ago, I understand that there was sometimes reluctance, today you have to realize that it is necessary to do this work of an ecological but also an economic point of view. “

The main building of Insa is benefiting from energy renovation work for an amount of three million euros, financed by France Relance. © Radio France
Michael Benoit

The minister came to brag the green fund, more than one billion additional euros available to local authorities. This energy transition acceleration fund will replace the wasteland fund. The envelope will even be higher, explained Christophe Béchu: ” This fund aims to help them invest in projects that improve the living environment and help to mitigate the effects of global warming. For example, demineralize a schoolyard to create an island of greenery, or requalify a wasteland to reduce urban sprawl. “ Very good, but local elected officials are not reassured because President Macron was a campaign promise, announced the abolition of the contribution on the added value of companies. It’s less tax for companies, but Irène Félix, president of the agglomeration of Bourges wonders how the state will compensate for this hole in its fund: ” For Bourges Plus, it is very important since it is 11 million euros, out of a main budget of 70 million. You can imagine that we need guarantees as we think about the next budget and spread out this deletion to reduce its impact.

The Minister for Energy Transition spoke with students from INSA Bourges.
The Minister for Energy Transition spoke with students from INSA Bourges. © Radio France
Michael Benoit

This CVAE will be offset by a fraction of VAT, donated to local authorities, specified the Minister for Energy Transition. No one will lose, according to Christophe Béchu: ” The regions benefited from this scheme when the regional part of the CVAE was abolished and today you do not hear them complaining about this scheme because the compensation is adequate and it benefits from the economic dynamics of the country.” This compensation will be debated in parliament as part of the next finance law in the fall.

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