the film “Honorary Citizen” evokes the return of an artist to his country of origin


Article written by

S. Desjars, M. Leroux C. Vignal, H. Cardon, L. Michel – France 3

France Televisions

The film “Honorary Citizen” features Kad Merad, playing an illustrious writer, returning to Algeria to win medals in his hometown. This endearing comedy comes out on Wednesday, September 14.

Wednesday, September 14, the film is released honorary citizen. An endearing comedy that focuses on origins. The film focuses on a famous writer, lacking in inspiration, played by Kad Merad, who returns to the country. He then found Algeria, years after having left it. This return to basics will prove to be life-saving. “You have to know where you come from to know who you are”explains the main actor of the film.

“I always have in mind this child who watched on TV, the movies, the Caesars and who said, one day, I would like to be there”, recalls Kad Merad. Moreover, the director of the film, Mohamed Hamidi, did not “not afraid” to evoke the painful common history between France and Algeria, all in a humorous tone.

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