in Issoudun, the test shop is looking for candidates

For six months, Julie Couly was able to test her activity of creations from recycled fabric after starting out on the internet. Shortly, she is going to move into a room where she will have more space opposite the tourist office. “This first project ends in a positive way”, rejoices Adelina Lapouge, deputy mayor in charge of trade, crafts and markets.

As part of the Action Coeur de Ville plan, the municipality acquired a commercial space of 26 m2 with a window located in the oat market square in the city center which she has refurbished “to allow a person who does not dare to start, to test for a minimum of three months at low cost a concept or a product”, specifies the elected official. The rent is 200 euros including charges limiting risk taking.

An online file

The room is therefore available again and the municipality calls for candidates. They must complete a file available online on the site of the city of Issoudun which will then be studied by a commission, then validated by the mayor. Certain activities requiring specific equipment (hairdressing, catering) are excluded, as are the liberal professions.

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