Editis suspends the publication of a book in which Guillaume Meurice jokes about Vincent Bolloré

A few days before the release of a humorous work in which Guillaume Meurice scratched Vincent Bolloré, boss of the Editis group, the Le Robert editions, property of Editis, decided to suspend publication.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture



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The publication of a book which is ironic in particular on the billionaire Vincent Bolloré, signed by the radio columnist Guillaume Meurice, is suspended, we learned on Wednesday September 14 from the Editis group, controlled by Vincent Bolloré. A decision announced a few days before the publication of the book, initially scheduled for September 29.

Asked by AFP, Editis confirmed the information from the daily The world according to which the book The Fin Mot of the history of France in 200 expressionspublished by Le Robert (owned by the Editis group), was not going to be released at this stage.

Guillaume Meurice illustrated with humorous texts this work mainly written by Nathalie Gendrot, on the expressions inherited from the history of the country. During the traditional examination of the text by the legal department, it pointed to 15 texts which posed problems, including seven at high risk of legal proceedings for defamation or insult.

As indicated The worldone of the seven scratches Vincent Bolloré, regular target of pikes from Guillaume Meurice on the antenna of France Inter, confirmed Editis. Vincent Bolloré is quoted in the definition of “To fizzle: Expression replaced today by: revealing on Canal + the embezzlement of Vincent Bolloré”. The other six potentially problematic spikes are aimed at big companies known for their attention to branding, including shoemaker Louboutin.

We told Guillaume Meurice that the book could not come out with these texts. In this case, almost all authors change them. But we don’t have an answer from him“, indicated the director of communication of Editis, Pascale Launay.We assume to have suspended the publication of the work. We are obliged to do so given the risk of lawsuits“, she added. Le Robert and Guillaume Meurice editions could not be reached on Wednesday morning.

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