group purchasing to limit price increases

consumers come together to negotiate a contract with an electricity, gas or even fuel oil supplier and obtain better rates by adjusting volumes. That is to say, many consumers let it be known that they are together and ready to commit at the same time to the same supplier who will offer the best price or the best conditions depending on what the group is looking for. ..

The price at the heart of the negotiations

The fact that hundreds or thousands of consumers are coming together will allow them to weigh in on a commercial negotiation with the supplier and therefore to obtain reductions in relation to the basic prices…but they will also be able to discuss theorigin of energythe duration of the contract.


In general, it is rather price comparators, associations, municipalities or even social landlords who are in charge: they publish on the Internet their call for participation in a group purchase operation, the conditions they wish to obtain for that we know roughly where we are going, and the more people there are, the more it is possible to negotiate the price in particular. The promise in general: savings of up to 200 euros per household per year!

There is still time for this winter

Yes on the Selectra site until September 30, there are already 10,000 people registered, the promise of the energy comparator: save up to 200 euros per year. Hellowatt also offers you to register with this objective: -20% on your electricity or gas bill. (links chronicle page)

Professionals also concerned

Yes, professionals can also participate in business combinations to limit increases in electricity and gas prices. To do this, you have to get closer to brokers, I found “Alliance des Energies” or “Collectif Energie” in particular.

In practice

Of course, all this is very structured: first you pre-register on a website so that the operator you have chosen has all your useful information (place of residence, Consumption habits)you are then told the offer that has been selected and you can then really commit if you wish. Be careful though: take a good look at the contract: in particular on the evolution of prices and of course under what conditions you can terminate .

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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