these regions offer you travel at a reduced price

During these European Heritage Days, we take the opportunity to visit these places, usually closed to the public…

The good news is that several Regions in France have joined forces with the SNCF to sell train tickets at a ridiculously low price…the opportunity to move at low cost and discover the heritageand that surrounds us.

In the Hauts de France: train tickets at 2 euros

With TER tickets at 2 euros the round trip it’s really worth it… In all 4000 tickets are on sale, to buy them go to the TER website, in an agency or at the station, in all 30 destinations are concerned: Amiens, Béthune, Maubeuge, Lille or even Tourcoing. I checked there are some left so don’t delay!

If you are in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, a 5 euro pass allows you to go wherever you want all weekend, the same goes for the Pays de la Loire region where you can even take the opportunity to stop off at La Roche-sur-Yon for a guided tour of jobs in the station.

New Aquitaine also mobilized

Make way for the one-euro bus with the appreciable presence of a guide to accompany you, but this only concerns the Dordogne and the Charente-Maritime. If you want to visit theHotel du Department in Tulle which will be open for the occasion, you will have to go there on your own.

How to go to the museum for free?

All young people under 26 who are French or from the European Union can visit national museums and monuments for free (not temporary exhibitions), and this is also the case without age conditions the first Sunday of the month in France

Finally, inquire with your municipality, the municipal museums of Avignon for example, are all free all year round. There are also cultural cards which offer free access, this is the case for the museum of fine arts. of Nantes, or even for the 14 museums of the Lille metropolis..

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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