End of life: for Marine Le Pen, legislation on euthanasia “can only pass by referendum”



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Tuesday September 13, Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally group at the National Assembly, is the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2.

Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally group (RN) at the National Assembly, is the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Tuesday, September 13. First of all, she comes back to the pension reform: “There is absolutely no urgency in tackling pensions, precisely at a time when the French are facing major purchasing power difficulties, and when we know that, for many, retirees have struggling to make ends meet.”

“If Emmanuel Macron uses the social security budget to attack pensions, that is to say, in reality to circumvent a debate on this subject, he will find himself confronted with total opposition on our part”warns the president of the group RN in the Assembly. Faced with soaring energy prices, Marine Le Pen calls for “immediately decorrelate the price of electricity from the price of gas”. Finally, the president of the group RN in the Assembly opposes a law on euthanasia in France, and believes that, if such legislation is to see the light of day, it “can only pass by referendum”.

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